Tuesday, 7 November 2006

Ortega will be good for Nicaragua

Well , it looks like there's a lot of Americans who support a Samozo-styled dictatorship in Nicaragua rather than a democratically elected government.
It was Ortega, as leader of the FSLN, who overturned Samoza’s, US-backed dictatorship. After that America conspired with some very unsavoury characters to destroy the country. The Reagan regime worked with the likes of Danilo Blandon, who, with the help of the CIA, imported massive amounts of cocaine into the States where he sold it in order to raise money for the Contra insurgencies. This led to the cocaine epidemic which the US is still suffering from today & which is rapidly becoming a global pandemic. By the way, in 1992, Blandon was arrested by the Los Angeles police for money laundering, & surprise, surprise, it never made it to court as the charges were dropped because of a federal request. Of course very little of this would have come to light if Oliver North’s plane hadn’t crashed. Remember North? Remember Bush 41 gave him an unprecedented pre-trial pardon in 1990. Ah, the great circle of life!
On top of the US acting out a Scarface fantasy by becoming international drug dealers they also provided guns & training for the insurgents as well as playing the economic bully card, which is the main reason why Nicaragua is in its present sorry state. Oh, I almost left out that it caused the deaths of about 30,000 Nicaraguans.
It’s good to know that US republicans have learnt a thing or two since then i.e. Iraq, where recent scientific research puts the increase in violent deaths since the coalition of the willing started their crusade at between 380,000 & 950,000 more than occurred under Saddam Hussein for the same time period preceding the invasion. You may have heard these figures, an average of the two is usually quoted.
I suggest that America goes back to school to learn the real facts & then figure out how to get along with other democracies. The way the US goes on you’d swear they invented they idea, rather than it being a European concept.
Lets hope Congress returns to the, slightly better, democrats in the US midterms to prevent Bush 43 from doing something equally as stupid as his daddy did.

1 comment:

Gavin Stokes said...

Heay..lets have some more you lazy git.Its been 2 years, its a blog not a graveyard.