Thursday, 9 November 2006

Cogress Turns Blue

This means the Democrats have complete control over both chambers & President Bush is going to have the mother of all political headaches. This was in no small part due to the hypocrisies of the leader of some 30,000,000 or so Evangelical Christians, who Pope Benedict XVI supports.
Bush has already started to changed his tune & is trying to reach out, with his overgrown arms, to the other side, but I believe it's too little too late . That has a ring to it, kind of reminds me of Bush senior just before the Gulf War.
When will his dysfunctional family give their bodies over to science so that we can use them for that missing link evolutionary biologists have been looking for. Funny how they defend creationism so strongly, now we know why. Wasn't it Bill Hicks who noticed how creationists always look so unevolved. Just look at Bush 43, he walks, talks, & acts like an Ape. So lets put him in museum & get visitor numbers up.
At least Rumsfeld has had to bite the bullet, although, Bush 41's CIA man, Robert Gates, probably won't be much better.
Apart from George W. Bush being caught drinking & taking cocaine again, things couldn't get much worse for him.
* His daddy’s old enemy Ortega has returned to power in Nicaragua
* A liberal democrat woman is leader of the House of Representatives
* He has lost the Senate
* Israel continues to bomb women & children with US weapons &
* He only has two years left in power before returning to being a failure in the oil business.

I almost feel sorry for the thick son of a bitch.

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